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Literacy Night 2023-2024 Schedule

Once a month, Emmanuel will host a Literacy Night for all families to attend. These events are hosted by our wonderful teacher, Tammy Manges. Tammy is passionate about teaching Pre-K and was selected to participate in a special, 5-year, Language and Literacy certificate program offered by the University of Missouri. She was given a grant to take online courses during the school year and attend a summer intensive in Columbia all on literacy. She is a big champion of our Literacy Evening Events—we will hold six this year: Oct. 19, Nov. 16, Dec. 14, Feb. 8, and April 11. Families and their children are invited to come to see a puppet show, engage in literacy activities in the classrooms, and eat supper.

YOU are invited to attend any of these events just reach out for more information:

We thank our Emmanuel Friends Dean and Aleta Hubbard for sponsoring

these events by purchasing all the books and funding supper for each event!


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